OUTNUMBEREDHow our immigration system has disproportionately diluted our educated voting public?The quality of our voting public is very important to the character and quality of our elected officials.
The Concert Production Runner Definition:A Production Runner, usually works directly for the show Production Manager, (PM) a runner is an (expediter, a high-end errand runner). The motto of this gig is, don’t come back until you have “IT”. Just like the road crew for a concert tour, a runner is the first one to arrive at the venue and the last one to leave after the trucks are loaded and the crews are ready to go. Many times the runner takes to and picks the bus drivers up at the hotel when it's time to leave. You have to be ready for a challenging task. Other duties are things like finding a certain shampoo, hairdryer, taking the performers bored children sightseeing, finding certain kinds of food that they didn't have in that area, picking a performer up at the airport charter or commercial . . . always a different menu of “running” and following specific instruction is at the top of the list. Concert Production Runner PDFIdentifying Biased Mainstream Media-pdf+++++++++Most people and the media tend to oops I forgot about the Hunter Biden employment during the Obama - Biden administration. Well, we SHOULD remember! Hunter-Biden-Full-Facts |