Dr. Bruce Johnson
Some additional family history. My sisters husband, Dr. Bruce Johnson, is an alumni of Bates College, Lewiston, Maine where we all grew up.
Dr. Bruce P. Johnson |
I took my brother-in-law, Dr. Bruce Johnson to the 2019 movie, "Current War". Bruce worked on the research development of the first LEDs at the GE Nela Park Lighting facility referenced in the movie in 1972.
After his B.S. in Physics, he got his M.S. degree in Physics at the University of New Hampshire. After teaching Physics at Hobart and Williams College in Geneva, NY for two years, he enrolled at the University of Missouri and completed a Ph.D. in Physics in January, 1967 specializing in Solid State Physics.
He joined General Electric Medical Systems in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he focused on X-ray Imaging in semiconductor materials. In 1970 he transferred to the Lighting Division of General Electric at Nela Park in Ohio where he participated in the early development of the Light Emitting Diode, (LED). He worked with GE's Research and Development Center and is credited with growing a 7 percent efficient GaP diode which set a new record for electron-photon conversion in this material. (In solid-state physics, a band gap, also called an energy gap, is an energy range in a solid where no electron states can exist).
In 1974 GE decided to get out of the LED business and so he returned to his first love of teaching at the University of Nevada, Reno. He has enjoyed a great career with focus in solid state physics, electronics and electromagnetic compatibility. He reported on one of the first car-self driven techniques using microwave reflection from a painted stripe on the road.
While at UNR he was twice appointed to the United States Metric Board. He also served as International President of Eta Kappa Nu the Electrical Engineering Honor Society. He was active in IEEE and was student activities coordinator for Region 6 as well as advisor for the local chapter.
Nearly everyone in our families had strong science interests, my brother a Navy electronics technician, later establishing a life-long CNC machine company in N.H. http://cncauto.com In recent years after my retirement in 2006 I established the US Nuclear Energy Foundation, http://usnuclearenergy.org to provide grassroots education about nuclear technology. I still provide brokerage printing services at, http://gjdesktopsolutions.com
A strong reference to this facility in the
![]() GEs-Nela-Park-Lighting-Division-Cleveland-OH-ED |
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